Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Learning Profile

My letter profile is AA. But I am using A since there were no more copies of AA left.
I learn best when I focus on the little details. I process information by analysis, verbalization, and through writing. I prefer information when it is all in order and easy for me to begin to read and analyze. Because when the information is all neat and orderly it is very easy to apply the information in a quiz or a project. And even under stress I can still pick up most of the details of information both through seeing and through hearing. I am both a visual and auditory learner, although I feel as though I am more visual.
I need to understand and synthesize the information from a whole perspective, and explore ambiguity, emotions as well as movement. This meaning I need to see the big picture, not just focus on the little details to make the big picture. I have troubles seeing the "forest for the trees". Although under stress I can pick up details I still can't see the big picture. I have the ability to scavenge for details but I need to work on seeing the main idea.
The strategies that would help me in my learning are important because that is what will help me become successful. Me being positive, and having a enjoyable sensory-motor will help me develop the skills I need to fully access creative and intuitive side. I have an integrative balance of art, music, free form movement and interpersonal/intrapersonal skills. This will be highly beneficial later in my life. I have a very artistic and creative personality which will prove to be a positive for me in my adult life.
I would like my teachers to know this about me because I believe it will help me and them in school. They will know on what and how to quiz me and they will also know how to teach me in class. This information on me is both important for me and the teacher.

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