Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Colonization - Ethnocentricity

The ethnocentricity of the British and the First Australians caused conflict between both races in a lot of horrible ways. The First Australians could not live with the British because the British were cutting down their trees that were so important to them. The British were building houses and other buildings, so the First Australians were limited in the space they could live in. This was a very big problem because all of the nature that the First Australians depended on to survive was know slowly being taken away from them. Another big problem was that the British were using the First Australian's land to plant their own crops. They would replace the food the First Australians ate with their own food. This could never work because then the First Australians would lose all of their food, and they would starve to death. The British have taken away many things from the First Australians because of the difference of ethnocentricity.

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