Monday, March 28, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence - Blog Post #2

Convincing the "New" Australians to apologize to the aboriginals will take a lot of work. First, the Australians should realize that maybe what they were doing wasn't actually what the aboriginals wanted. They should start to think that maybe the aboriginals want to continue living the life they are already living because they like it. The Australians think that the lifestyle they are living is the best lifestyle. In the movie "The Rabbit Proof Fence" the current Australians were making the children all sleep in one room, and they had a bucket as a toilet, they had to do everything a regular Australian child would do. If only the Australians could see how much the aboriginal children didn't like it, all the Australians could see was children, no emotion. The Australians have not noticed the harm they have been causing to both the aboriginal children and their parents.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence

Molly can be described as many things. Molly is very bold, she even dared to escape the shelter where all the other aboriginals lived. Molly also convinced her sister and cousin to come with her to escape back home. Molly is a very brave girl, she took the risk of starving and dying by escaping the shelter. She has to walk at least one thousand miles, and she might not find any food and she might starve to death. Molly is a very good example of a hero because she set an example for all the other children at the shelter. She decided to run away, and this could make other kids want to run away, and soon there will be no kids at the shelter. Molly has a bold personality and she is a hero.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Colonization - Ethnocentricity

The ethnocentricity of the British and the First Australians caused conflict between both races in a lot of horrible ways. The First Australians could not live with the British because the British were cutting down their trees that were so important to them. The British were building houses and other buildings, so the First Australians were limited in the space they could live in. This was a very big problem because all of the nature that the First Australians depended on to survive was know slowly being taken away from them. Another big problem was that the British were using the First Australian's land to plant their own crops. They would replace the food the First Australians ate with their own food. This could never work because then the First Australians would lose all of their food, and they would starve to death. The British have taken away many things from the First Australians because of the difference of ethnocentricity.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Julius Caesar Solo/Duet Acting Assignment

Act II, Scene 2, Lines 58-107

Caesar, all hail! good morrow, worthy Caesar:
I come to fetch you to the senate-house.

And you are come in very happy time,
To bear my greeting to the senators
And tell them that I will not come today:
Cannot, is false, and that I dare not, falser:
I will not come today: tell them so, Decius.

Say he is sick.

Shall Caesar send a lie?
Have I in conquest stretch'd mine arm so far,
To be afraid to tell graybeards the truth?
Decius, go tell them Caesar will not come.

Most mighty Caesar, let me know some cause,
Lest I be laugh'd at when I tell them so.

The cause is in my will: I will not come;
That is enough to satisfy the senate.
But for your private satisfaction,
Because I love you, I will let you know:
Calpurnia here, my wife, stays me at home:
She dreamt tonight she saw my statue,
Which, like a fountain with an hundred spouts,
Did run pure blood: and many lusty Romans
Came smiling, and did bathe their hands in it:
And these does she apply for warnings, and portents,
And evils imminent; and on her knee
Hath begg'd that I will stay at home today.

This dream is all amiss interpreted;
It was a vision fair and fortunate:
Your statue spouting blood in many pipes,
In which so many smiling Romans bathed,
Signifies that from you great Rome shall suck
Reviving blood, and that great men shall press
For tinctures, stains, relics and cognizance.
This by Calpurnia's dream is signified.

And this way have you well expounded it.

I have, when you have heard what I can say:
And know it now: the senate have concluded
To give this day a crown to mighty Caesar.
If you shall send them word you will not come,
Their minds may change. Besides, it were a mock
Apt to be render'd, for some one to say
'Break up the senate till another time,
When Caesar's wife shall meet with better dreams.'
If Caesar hide himself, shall they not whisper
'Lo, Caesar is afraid'?
Pardon me, Caesar; for my dear dear love
To our proceeding bids me tell you this;
And reason to my love is liable.

How foolish do your fears seem now, Calpurnia!
I am ashamed I did yield to them.
Give me my robe, for I will go.


This is the Ides of March. Caesar is in his house having a conversation with his wife Calpurnia about her dreams and Caesar not going to the Senate. Finally they come to a decision that Caesar would not go to the Senate. But at that time Decius enters to take Caesar to the Senate house. At that time he gets to know about the dream. But knowing that Caesar would not come to the Senate, Decius reinterprets Calpurnia’s dreams as a fortunate dream. This convinces Caesar to go to the Senate. To help Decius, Brutus, Publius and the other conspirators come except for Cassius. Finally Mark Antony enters to take Caesar to the Senate.


The significance of this passage is to show how cunning, intelligent, and persuasive Decius is. Decius already knew how to convince Caesar to attend his crowing, by using flattery. All Decius has to do is interpret the dream in a good way and Caesar is already convinced that he should go to get crowned. "This dream is all amiss interpreted; It was a vision fair and fortunate". This passage shows how Decius can easily convince Caesar with flattery.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Learning Profile

My letter profile is AA. But I am using A since there were no more copies of AA left.
I learn best when I focus on the little details. I process information by analysis, verbalization, and through writing. I prefer information when it is all in order and easy for me to begin to read and analyze. Because when the information is all neat and orderly it is very easy to apply the information in a quiz or a project. And even under stress I can still pick up most of the details of information both through seeing and through hearing. I am both a visual and auditory learner, although I feel as though I am more visual.
I need to understand and synthesize the information from a whole perspective, and explore ambiguity, emotions as well as movement. This meaning I need to see the big picture, not just focus on the little details to make the big picture. I have troubles seeing the "forest for the trees". Although under stress I can pick up details I still can't see the big picture. I have the ability to scavenge for details but I need to work on seeing the main idea.
The strategies that would help me in my learning are important because that is what will help me become successful. Me being positive, and having a enjoyable sensory-motor will help me develop the skills I need to fully access creative and intuitive side. I have an integrative balance of art, music, free form movement and interpersonal/intrapersonal skills. This will be highly beneficial later in my life. I have a very artistic and creative personality which will prove to be a positive for me in my adult life.
I would like my teachers to know this about me because I believe it will help me and them in school. They will know on what and how to quiz me and they will also know how to teach me in class. This information on me is both important for me and the teacher.